Saturday, February 21, 2009

I'm Back and ready to Post agian.

I really had to take so time out. I also did not want my blog to become about my sadness with the puppies. To up date you both Maddie and Cody did not make it. For them the end was quite quick but for me and especially my 5 year old (Now Six, he had a birthday) it was very long and sad. The Vet said that we really need to wait over a year or more before we bring in another dog. The Parvo can live for a very long time in the ground. We took the puppies and Buried them in the country under a wonderful pinon tree. My son thought the place was nice and that they would like it there.

I really had a hard time with it and now I am trying to focus on all the wonderful healthy animals we do have. I thought it would be nice to introduce some of them to you.

This is Buster. He is a great friend with more love for his family than any other dog. He is very well behaved (except when he digs out of the yard to vist the girl down the road, which resulted in a large vet bill). He is getting old (over 12) and has hip problems but still loves to chase the Nitro Car. I don't know what we would ever do with out him. He is very protective over Christopher and always makes us feel safe and loved.

We also have Chickens Ducks and Geese. The Geese are cry babies and complainers. They love to throw dirt in to fresh water. I don't think that they could stand to see fresh clean water and not throw dirt in it. When we allow all the animals out the first thing the geese do is run around from pen to pen and trow dirt in all the watering troughs for the other animals. The other funny thing about them is I always now when my guy gets home because they immediately start honking up a storm. The ducks just follow the geese every where.

The Chickens are funny also. When let out they immediately run to busters kennel to see if there is any dog food. They will then immediately eat any food that he has left. Funny thing is that Buster will run to there cage to see if there are any scraps of leftovers they they did not eat. (The chickens get most our table scrapes). We have one red hen that came from my families ranch. She is a tad ornery. If a bird lands in the yard she will chase it tell it leaves and she basically is the boss of all the other chickens. The rooster before he got to the size he is used to run from her. She is my sons hen.

Also I have this really great 6 yr old who has his own web show now. He is very into iCarly and so he wanted to do his own web show. He wrote directed and starred in it. I did the filming. I really need work at filming and editing but I thought it was a great attempt for his first web show.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Update on Maddie

Well I thought it would be good news for Maddie but looks like she does have Parvo. Once I got to the Vet I found that they hadn't tested her just the Poo. I asked them to please test her and sure enough my suspicions were proven true. So tonight we are disinfecting. We have to spray bleach around the property and wipe everything that Cody can come in contact with with bleach. Seems that Bleach is the only thing that kill Parvo. Right now Cody seems healthy but the vet states that she may just not be showing signs. The only help for Maddie is to remain on IV and Antibiotics and cross your fingers. I am not sure how long we can afford her care since it gets quite expensive and she could need this for several weeks and even then she might not make it.

Well I probably won't post on this agian at least for a while I don't won't the blog to take on a depressing nature.


Well I've dropped Maddie off at the Vet along with alot of Poo. I hope it turns out to be nothing but I will Update this post with the information.

I think I might Cry

Just a quick post but I need to do this to kinda of get it off my chest. Maddie is Sick I am taking her to the vet today but she is acting just like the other puppy that we adopted. I am so scarred. If it is so then I will not be able to ever adopt another pup from the shelter. I just can't take it. I took her and Cody to the shelter on Tuesday for there next round of immunization and ever since that Maddie has not acted well. Having these puppies be so happy and healthy for so long I am just beside myself that they may now becoming ill. My guy and I have already decided that there is no way we can spend as much on these little guys if they are sick as we did on the last puppy. We spent close to a thousand on the last puppy and with Parvo its just really difficult to save them.

Well send Maddie and Cody your prayers.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Our New adopted Girls (Puppies)

This is Oso the day we adopted her. We were at a craft fair and the humane society was having a adopt a thon. She died less than a month after we adopted her.

I am dedicating this to my new girls. We have been wanting to adopt a new pup for a while now. We did adopt a little girl last year and it was heart breaking. We named her Oso (Bear in spanish) since she looked so much like a little bear. She was a sweet little girl but unfortunately she had Parvo when we adopted her (Unknown to us or even to probably the shelter). We took her to the vet with in a couple of days because she was becoming lethargic. Sure enough she had parvo we spent a hugh amount on her to try to save her but it wasn't ment to be. My son was the smart one in the whole ordeal. He said at least she knew what it was to be loved. It took us all a while to get the courage to adopt agian but once we got the courage boy did we adopt. We now have two little girls. They are healthy and happy and completly torment the old man (Our other dog buster). Cody is a sweet cuddly girl who will lick you all over and just loves to cuddle (My son really likes this). She is a Australian Shepard mix with short little stubby legs (Looks like basset hound legs). The other little girl is Maddie (Named by my son cause she was mad at cody). She has got attitude. When she first met Buster she barked and growled. She tried to show him who was boss by putting her front legs up on him and growling. He just looked at her and then at me like what she's kidding right. She is a German Shepard mix. Well they are a handful and I didn't realize how much more poo there would be but there are no regrets. each is loved and even though they torment Buster (think he's around 12to 14) he seems to like the company (Sometimes).